<< Something's supposed to happen today, right? >>
<< 04/20/01, Friday >>
Wow!!! Two updates in one week? Damn, I'm getting good, huh? As you can see, there's a new comic above. For those of you just joining us, that comic is NOT part of the comic Xtreme Asylum. It's just a little joke that I thought up that I wanted to put up on my site. I know that the Xtreme Asylum comic usually goes in the box on the main page, but frankly I was getting sick of seeing that old geek comic every time I loaded up the page, so I changed it to this comic. It's still a comic done by me, and this is my site, so what does it matter? This site may be named after the comic Xtreme Asylum, but the comic is only one of the many things you can find here. If you want to take a look at the Xtreme Asylum comic, you can use the new link at the top of the page, or use the previous, next, etc. links above. Also, the new WWF comic can permanently be found in the Special section, along with Photo Fun Center, in case you missed that new edition on Wednesday.
Anyway, about the new comic. It sure as hell took me long enough to start making fun of the WWF!! If you know me personally, you know how much of a WWF fan I am. And what happens when I like something? I usually start making fun of it. (Keep in mind that I make fun of things I don't like too). Casual viewers will probably get some of the jokes in today's comic, but in order to really understand everything, you really gotta watch WWF on a regular basis. It helps even more if you've been watching it these past few weeks, as these pictures came from them. I think I'll do some more WWF satires in the future, so maybe I'll actually get some WWF fans in here so we can have some discussions in my WWF forum other than "I hate wrestling" threads.
In other news, my cry to hear from the fans that I posted on Wednesday has gone unacknowledged. I realize that people are lazy, but I really need to know if there are people that I don't know that actually come here on a regular basis. If you people want me to keep this shit up, let me know! Drop me a line in my forum , or mail me.
Finally, what update would be complete without a dose of SeraphX's online comic Nobody's Hero? You tell me. (I ran out of new things to say, LOL!)
Alright, that's it. Lemme hear from you people. Don't be lazy sacks of shit, now. ;)
<< And as usual, Silveromen's pissed. >>
<< 04/18/01, Wednesday >>
I bet you all thought there was a new comic when you saw the old one load up, didn't you? Well sorry, not just yet folks. So, why is there an old comic instead of the new Shirt Guy Schlong strip? Two reasons. 1) There was a rant that went with the strip, but I couldn't keep it on the main page because I had to update this text box. I could have put the rant above with the comic, but then this page would be about a mile long. 2) I didn't want any potential new customers thinking that those were my true art skills. Trust me, people are stupid enough to think that....
So, if you wanna see the true comic that was supposed to be on this page, click here. You can also find the comic in the Xtreme Asylum comic archive section.
In other news, I had an interesting weekend. I was flamed to all hell in the forums of a certain other online comic that shall remain nameless. I made the mistake of making a statement, and then plugging my site, and boy did I get it for doing so. I've been flamed for my site before, but never this bad. Usually, I just hear stupid statements, like "you suck," and "fuck you," and such, but this time, the flames were pretty personal. Just about everything I've worked hard for over the past few months was insulted. Basically, I was told that my humor, artwork, and site is shit, and that I put no effort into any of my work. A lesser man would have probably given up and quit the site after what was said to me last weekend, but no. I'm Silveromen!! I'm gonna keep this site around just to piss people off. If you've ever been to my forums, you know what my signature is: "If I do something that annoys you, please tell me. I'll be sure to do it twice as often." And I will continue standing by that statement....
Ahhh, yes. I was also told that it's no wonder I have no fans because my site is so lame. People, let's prove them wrong, ok? I know there has to be some people that I don't know that comes here and is a fan of my work. They do exist, right? People, come on! If you come here, and I don't know you, please tell me!! Post in my forums, or mail me! Whichever's easier!!! I want to know if I'm making someone happy, anyone happy!!!! Let's not let those Silver haters win!!
Alright, alright. I just had to get that off of my chest. Now, on to the new stuff. I was bored today while searching on the Internet, and I found some photos. While looking at these photos, I got a little idea into my head. I won't ruin what I did, but take a peak for yourselves!! Check out the newest edition to Xtreme Asylum, Photo Fun Center!! These pics are pretty big in size (sorry), so please be patient for them to load. What I did isn't quite as bad as Pic O' The Week, but if you haven't liked my humor in the past, you're not gonna like this. You can also access Photo Fun Center from the Special section.
And what update would be complete without a dose of SeraphX's online comic Nobody's Hero? You tell me.
Alright, it's late (or early, depending on how you look at it), so I'm gonna call it quits. Remember, I wanna hear from any fans I have. Don't be too shy to let the world know you're a Silveromen fanatic!!!! ;)
<< Red Lobster is real slow >>
<< 04/10/01, Tuesday >>
I'm not in the mood to do a comic right now, so I'll hand things over to my old friend, Schlong. He'll be doing the comic and the rant for today.
Hello everybody!!! The name's Schlong, James Schlong!! Double-O cock for service. Out to catch the evil Doctor No More Whacks Please, Oddschlong, and Balls, in my latest movie, "The Schlong Is Not Big Enough!"
Hahaha. Just kidding! I'm actually just a normal, everyday cock, not exactly secret agent material. Although, I always enjoy a good head butt with my girlfriend Miss Pussy once in awhile!! Me and Silver have been friends for a long time. He's a great guy, really. He made me honorary "Shirt Guy" at his site, so I'm in charge of merchandise around here. He couldn't do a comic today, so when he called me to do a filler strip, I naturally agreed!! It's hard to draw when all you are is a schlong with a pair of "track balls," but I think I did pretty darn good, don't ya agree?
So, a little about myself. Well, I'm 4 inches long, non-erected. I enjoy long "hops" on the beach, watching the sunset. I also enjoy spraying hot buttery jizz out of my head!!! Hey, I'm a cock, what the heck did you expect?
Alright, alright, enough. Silver hired me, so I got a job to do. People, please post in the forums!!! And please email Silveromen!! And please use ICQ and AIM to talk to him!! He wants to talk to you all, really he does!!! Awwwww, shoot. I just creamed all over the keyboard. My Master's gonna kill me....
Oh yes, plugs. There's a certain guy by the name of SeraphX who runs a certain little comic by the name of Nobody's Hero. It's very funny, so I think you all should "certainly" go!
HMMMMMM, anything else I'm forgetting? Nope, don't think so, but then again my "head" isn't all that big, so there isn't too much room for brains in this old cock. Alright, I think that's enough! Silveromen should be back shortly!! -----Shirt Guy Schlong out!
<< Lil Bowwow Got Fucked Up The Ass >>
<< 03/30/01, Friday >>
Another week, another hand drawn comic. This week, some more new things have taken place. As you can see, the comic is in black and white. When I was doing the comic entirely on a computer, coloring wasn't a problem. But now that I scan the comic, it is too hard to color because of all of the screwed up shading and different grays and such that makes it a horrible pain to color after its been scanned. Another change is the humor. I hope you all think the new computer based nerd humor is "L33T," because if you don't you can K155 M7 @55.
In other news, still no new Pic O' The Week, but no worries folks. I'm getting in the mood to do it again, and I've got a real funny one in my mind, so you all sit tight now......
And people, what would a Silveromen rant be without me bitching about my ultra popular forums? It's been great these past couple of weeks. I've started a few threads, posted a few replies, and for what?!?!?!?!? Why, to be ignored of course. I feel like I'm talking to a fucking wall. I know what you're thinking people. Why the fuck should you post in Silver's forums when you can post in other ones like "Megatokyo's?" Or hell, why should you EVEN CHECK MY FORUMS ONCE IN AWHILE TO SEE IF THERE ARE NEW POSTS when you've got Megatokyo? Well, maybe if people actually got off of their lazy asses and registered for the forum, we could actually make my forum relatively popular like Megatokyo's. But hell, like that'll ever happen......
Alright, that's enough bitching out of me. I'll catch you all when I update again, or perhaps on the forums. Oh, and of course, check out SeraphX's online comic, Nobody's Hero. Until next time............
<< Eggs N' Steak >>
<< 03/23/01, Friday >>
In case you didn't know, the comic Xtreme Asylum has been entirely drawn on my computer, using a mouse. A great feat, if I do say so myself. However, today the tradition is broken. As you can see, Xtreme Asylum #6 has been drawn by me free-hand and then scanned and colored. This did take forever, so I hope you all like it. Also take note that I changed the style. It's now sorta Anime-influenced. I don't know if I'll keep it that way, though. I dunno, any opinions on the styles and methods I've been using?
In other news, it's Friday, and once again no new Pic O' The Week. Look, I've been busy, gimme a break.
Also, I'm looking into changing the look of my forums. However, I'm wondering if I should even bother. You people really have a strange way of telling me you enjoy this shit. I mean, complete silence? What the fuck are you people smoking, anyway?
Finally, it's now time for a little plug. LunaRtek, formally known as SeraphX, has now started his own webcomic entitled "Nobody's Hero!!" It stars a gay guy and a straight guy who are forced to be college roommates. The site's just starting out, but already has one funny as hell comic posted!!! So check Nobody's Hero out!!!
More from me later, peeps!
<< Happy St. Patrick's Day >>
<< 03/17/01, Saturday >>
Yeah, yeah, I know. Yesterday was Pic O' The Week day, and I didn't update. I did have a pic, but when I sat down to actually write a story for it, I just couldn't do it. I was beginning to feel like I HAD to update POTW every Friday, and I just don't want to feel that way. If running this site begins to feel like work, it's gonna go under just like so many sites before it. In order for me to produce good work, I have to actually be in the mood to do it, and yesterday I definitely wasn't in the mood. I'm not discontinuing POTW, hell no I'm not. I just wasn't in the mood to do it this week. Hopefully I'll feel better about it next week.
In other news, last Tuesday the 13th was my 18th birthday. I got a Philips CD-RW drive for my computer, which is cool, so now I don't have to use floppy disks to save my files anymore (thank God). So, yeah. Happy Birthday to me.
Anyway, I can't think of anything more to say. Enjoy the rest of your St. Patrick's Day, and drink down a few for good old Silver. L8r.
<< Satan, thy name is Netscape >>
<< 03/09/01, Friday >>
Well, I had a nice time working on this site this week. On Tuesday night I uploaded the site thinking that everything was alright on it, but apparently I was wrong. Tables wouldn't display right, colors were off, and links were grossly misaligned. Of course I couldn't tell that these things were wrong until I checked out the site on my school's computers. Basically, it was the age old tale that my site would only look good if you were viewing it on my computer, with my browser, my screen size, and my preferences. I thought I had fixed all of the bugs on the page come Wednesday night, but on Thursday morning I saw that Netscape wouldn't display the site right. So, I had to download Netscape Navigator so I could test the damn thing out. Well, let's just say that I had to re-download the thing like 10 times thanks to recurring crashes. You all know that's gotta be fun when the software you're downloading is over 9 megs. Well, I was finally able to downloaded the thing, and set out to fix the problems occurring on my site. Here I am late on Friday night and I finally finished. Now I think the site should display right on different browsers and different screen sizes, but who the hell knows. The true test will be on Monday when I check the site during 0 period. Let's keep our fingers crossed folks!
In other news, I got mixed reactions to the new site design. Actually, to be accurate the majority of the people's reactions were negative. Now, I know some people didn't like my old site design, but it seems that even more people don't like the new design. I personally like the new site design. It's definitely something different for me, as my past sites have all been very dark. It's about time that I had a site that was actually colorful. So, if you don't like the new site, sorry people, but I can't please everybody.
Oh yes, I almost forgot! Thanks to the opening of a brand new site, people have been flooding my forums like crazy. Me and my new friends have had some awesome conversations over the past few days!! It's great that people are coming in to say hi and to give me comments on my work, and stuff like that. It's about time that my forums became as popular as some of those other site's! However, because there were so many new posts in the forums, EZboard crashed and now it looks as if my forums haven't been touched since dinosaurs ruled the earth. Yep. All of my friends have disappeared and I'm once again alone......
BTW, I was being sarcastic in that last paragraph in case you couldn't tell. Word on the street is that people don't give a flying fuck about talking in my forums. Great... just great. I won't give up hope though....not yet at least.
Finally, Pic O' The Week has been updated! I'm really sorry about not giving you all a POTW last week, but I was hard at work making the new site. Hopefully today's POTW will make up for that.
Anyway, that's it outa me. More comics and POTWs later.
<< I'm Not Dead! New Site Design >>
<< 03/07/01 >>
Welcome to Xtreme Asylum , the site formally known as Silveromen's Entertainment War Zone! There's a lot of cosmetic changes to the site, as you can tell. Most notably is the fact that the comic Xtreme Asylum is now on the main page. Although Xtreme Asylum was never supposed to be the main attraction to my site, I've learned that if I put it on the main page I can join a bunch of comic rings and get some mad hits for this site. But don't worry, I'm not abandoning Pic O' The Week ! It'll still be updated every Friday, as it's still fun as hell to do. Anyway, let me go through all of the sections on this site in case you're just tuning in.
Xtreme Asylum is the comic you see above. It's just starting out, but more is definitely to come. Check out the archive to see the old editions.
Old News takes you to the past updates from this site. It's actually a good read if you're bored.
Pic O' The Week is not what you probably think. It's not just some nice photo I found on the net that I want to share with you all. No, it's much more. I search all over for a truly atrocious pic for you all to see, and I write a funny ass story to go along with it. From what I've observed, this was the most popular section on Silveromen's Entertainment War Zone.
Special takes you to a page where you can find a bunch of stuff that I did that doesn't really fit anywhere else. You'll also notice that I moved the Games Section from my old site to this section, as it was pretty much dead. I tried to have people send me reviews of games, but no one would do it. I decided to not eliminate the section completely, because some people went to a lot of work to send me reviews, so I wanted everyone to still be able to view them. They're a good read, and some of the reviews are quite humorous, such as SeraphX's hilarious Blasto review.
Forum takes you to the sites forum (duh), where you can register and have discussions with me and a bunch of other people. This section is almost dead, but I refuse to let it go. Perhaps this new site will re-spark people's interest with it again. Come on people! Don't be too lazy to register! It's fun!! Register and start chatting!!! Oh, and yeah. I know that the Forum has my old sites name. I'll see what I can do later.
Finally, Contact Info takes you to a page where you can find information regarding just about any way you can reach me on the Internet. Don't be shy people, I love hearing from you, and I'm on the comp 24/7, so I shouldn't be too hard to reach.
So, that's it in regards to what's on this site right now. I'm sure you're wondering why I changed the site in the first place, because the old one looked so good (heh). Well, I did it for multiple reasons. Like I said before, I needed to put the comic on the main page to get more hits. Also I wanted to change the sites name so it wasn't so long and hard to say (penis humor). I also wanted to make the site lighter because I had been told that the old dark site didn't really look like a humor site, and I completely agree. All of the main pages have now been redone, so they all look real nice. There are some remainders of my old site, though, such as the old POTW and Xtreme Asylum pages, and the contents of the special section. I'll look into changing those later.
Anyway, there's a lot more for me to say, but I think I'll wait until later for that. I wrote way too much for today already anyway (nice contrast from last week, eh?). So, everyone explore the new site and check out all of the redone sections. I hope you all enjoy the more organized and more professional looking (I hope) site. I'll see you all on Friday for another edition of Pic O' The Week!
02/26/01, Monday
New comic, check it out:
Not-So Intelligent Life
I think I write too much.
02/23/01, Friday
It's Friday, and you all know what that means......Pic O' The Week has been updated. So check it out and laugh your ass off.
BTW, since it's Friday and I'm in a good mood, I decided to give you all a little treat. Check it out, it's the former CEO of SEGA, Bernie Stolar!!!
![Bernie Stolar....MMMMHHHHHHHHMMMMM!!!!!](https://silveromen.tripod.com/images/stolar.jpg)
Now, I'm sure the majority of you are scratching your heads right now in confusion, but I think I just made a certain three friends of mine very happy. God I love inside jokes! See you all on Monday for another edition of Xtreme Asylum!
02/21/01, Wednesday
You want a comic? You want a comic?!!! You want a comic!!!! Well, then fine. Your wish is my command.
Check it out: Sweet Dreams
02/19/01, Monday
Ahhhh, traditions. What would life be like without them? Families are always sure to leave cookies for Santa on Christmas, the Tooth Fairy leaves you some cash for your teeth, Triple H will always say "Shhhmorph" when he punches, and you can always be sure that I'll get no responses to my site whether it be in the form of email or forum posts. But there's one tradition that has been going on as of late that needs to stop. No, I'm not talking about Ryo never hooking me up with a plug on Megatokyo (HINT HINT). I'm talking about me starting up a new comic each week, promising everyone another issue of the same comic, and then me starting a brand new comic the following week. Well, guess what? The tradition continues. This week allow me to introduce the official comic of the War Zone, Xtreme Asylum . The last two comics I did, Satire Revolution and Stick Figure Extreme, were just exploratory comics, made just to see what I could do. I thought that they were going to be weekly things, but I'm thinking this isn't going to happen anymore. I found something that I like making much more. This new comic is fun to draw, and I think looks a lot better than the last two (see if you agree, hehe). BTW, if you all liked Matt and Bruce from Stick Figure Extreme, don't worry. They both star in Xtreme Asylum. But I'm sure you're wondering, what's going to happen to S.F.E. and S.R.? Well, I may make more of them, and I may not. I've moved them both to the special section, so now all of the sections on this site have something on them, except for the writing section, which I think I'm about to nuke. So, like I said, Xtreme Asylum is going to be the official comic of this site, and you will get more in the future. It feels like I've said that before......
Oh yeah, here's another tradition. The new updating format is as follows:
Xtreme Asylum: Updated whenever the hell I feel like it.
Pic O' The Week: Updated Fridays.
Ok, that's it!! Go to the comics section to check out Xtreme Asylum!!
Yeah, yeah. I know I said that I would update on Wednesday. Sorry, but computer problems prevented me from doing this. I'll make up for it by giving you a nice new comic on Monday, I promise. Oh, yeah. Happy Late-Valentines Day everyone.
Anyway, new Pic O' The Week today, and it's actually up on time, sort of. So be brave and look at that, everybody's talking about it. (Actually, the word is getting around quite nicely at my school).
Ok, cya all on Monday!
Ok, here I am with a Monday update, as promised. However, you all won't me getting exactly what I said. You see, instead of giving you another edition of Satire Revolution, I'd like to introduce you all to a new comic. When I was looking for something new to put on my site, everyone said I needed a comic. I said I couldn't draw, it would just be stick figures. So, later on I decided to start the comic Satire Revolution, which would allow me to do a comic without having to draw. Well, it was hard as hell to do, and every time I think about it, it just seems like work. So, I decided to start a new comic. Please welcome the newest edition to the War Zone, Stick Figure Extreme! Yeah, you heard me right. A comic about stick figures!!! I told you I can't draw, but you wouldn't believe me!!! LOL!! Actually I like the way this turned out. I have an amount of freedom that I didn't have with the other comic. But don't worry, I'll still make more Satire Revolution comics. In fact, here's my new updating format:
Mondays: A new edition of Stick Figure Extreme or Satire Revolution.
Wednesdays: A new edition of Stick Figure Extreme or Satire Revolution.
Fridays: A new edition of Silveromen's Pic O' The Week.
So, that's the new updating format. Hopefully I can stick with it. So, to access the new comic, and Satire Revolution, just go to the comics section (duh). Yeah, I know the whole comics section looks like shit right now, I'll change it later (those graphics in the S.F.E. section are not permanent).
Ok, see you all Wednesday!
Well, it's Saturday now, so I guess I missed my Friday update by a few minutes. Oh well. For everyone's viewing pleasure, I give you a brand spanking new edition of Pic O' The Week, so everyone be brave and look at that. Speaking of Pic O' The Week, according to Ryo of Fringe of Insanity fame, people have been sending him responses praising him on how funny "Planet of the Apes That Have Sex" was. You see, Ryo's new comic earlier this week featured a reference to last week's Pic O' The Week. The rant accompanying Ryo's comic stated that this original idea was from my page, and he provided a link. Unfortunately, people are stupid, and have been sending HIM emails on how funny the concept is. Ryo states that he set the record straight that the movie was my idea, and I believe him. However, the current record shows that the number of responses Ryo has received in regards to MY P.O.T.W. are many, while the number of responses I've received has remained at none (I know that you sent in a response Kenji, but you know that I do P.O.T.W.). So, I ask you people, guess who got shitted? Yeah, that's right, me as usual. I just love not getting credit for my own work. Maybe one day I'll open my mail box with a letter from someone stating how funny my site is, but fat chance of that. I think I'll just check Ryo's mailbox for that instead.
In other news, I think I have come up with a name for my comic. My comic will now be called Satire Revolution because that's what it's always going to be about, a satire on something. Much like P.O.T.W. is updated every Friday, Satire Revolution shall be updated every Monday . So, be sure to catch this comic if you like it. Speaking of liking the comic, save for a few I really can't tell if anyone liked it or not. Everyone I talked to kinda gave me short, generic responses like "It's good," or "It's cool." Oh yeah, and I bet you couldn't guess this, but I got no email or forum responses in regards to the comic, but I'll start really complaining about that when I start getting a bunch of hits on this site. I know this site isn't really popular right now. Your gonna hook me up, right Ryo?
Sorry for the melancholy update but I'm tired and pissed. Go laugh at Pic O' The Week now people.
I know what you're thinking. "Holy Shit, Silveromen updated on Wednesday!" To you I say, well, yes I did, and have I got a surprise for you all. For a long time now, many people have been saying that I need a comic on my site. The idea was great, except for one problem: I can't draw!!!! I tried, oh Lord, I tried. But I failed. However, I have figured out a way to make my own comic without having to draw it. No, I didn't hire an artist. You'll just have to see what I did. The comic will be a weekly comic, so keep coming back. Right now I am still in the process of thinking of a name for it, so for now the comic is just named: Comic. Pretty original, eh? Oh yeah, also the comic page is just temporary, so it will look different soon. So, go look at the comic and tell me what ya think. They will be better in the future, I promise. You can use the link to your left to access the comic, and yes, I know the link doesn't match the others. I'm really tired and lazy, I'll fix it later. Ok, that's it. I'll see you all on Friday for "Pic O' The Week!"
Wow! Two updates in two days! Hehe, don't get too excited. I'm just here to tell you that I've made a decision regarding people spamming my forums. Basically, if you're a non-regular to my site and decide to spam my message boards, I'm gonna turn around and do the same thing to you. Hey, it's the fair thing to do, and it's a win-win situation. People get to plug their sites in my forums, and I get to plug my site in their forums, and I get my sweet revenge. LOL. If too many people start spamming my forums, though, I might have to start deleting posts. Oh yeah, and I'm starting to submit my site to search engines (the honest way to receive visitors), so I should be seeing more hits in the upcoming days. Ok, that's enough outa me. Have a great weekend everybody!
What's up everybody? I'm back once again to give you all some more hilarity. However, I have an important issue to discuss. When I first started this site, I added a forum so that my friends and I could talk, and so that I could meet new and interesting people. However, this dream is not fully becoming a reality. It seems that just about every new person that posts on the forum uses it for the purpose of spam, and only spam. I get excited seeing a new face in the forums, only to be let down by seeing that it's another person plugging their site. I'm sorry, but people constantly plugging their sites in my forums is pissing me off. Now don't get me wrong, I've got no problem with people plugging their sites when they're regulars in the forums, but when a person just plugs his/her site and is then never heard from again, that's where I get angry. Sadly, I'm torn between two possible courses of action regarding this subject. I could just ignore the posts and let people use my forums for the purpose of spam, or I could start a policy where shameless plugs from non-regulars would be deleted. I should be an ass and delete the posts right now, but I have one objection to doing this. This site needs some major plugs itself, so there's a possibility that I may have to resort to the same tactics that are pissing me off so much. Damn, I don't wanna be a hypocrite. Maybe if the individuals that are spamming my forums see this, they'll become regulars. Yeah, right. I have a suspicion that those individuals don't even go to this site, they simply find my forums by searching through EZBoards. I gotta think this situation out a bit more.
Ok, enough of that. Pic O' The Week has been updated, so go look at that. Remember everyone, I make it for you, so please enjoy it.
Oh yeah, I hear we need netscape banners, so I made one. See ya l8r everyone!
Ok! I know I said I would update more often, but come on! This week was semester finals week for me, and you can't expect me to update the page when my grades are in check! LOL! But don't worry, I've got a nice big update for you all today.
First off, I have changed the Poll Of The Week, so everybody go vote. The last poll was a great success with sense of sight dominating over sense of hearing. If you want to check out the final results, head on over to the Poll Of The Week Archive. Oh yeah, you can also access the archive by the link directly under the poll to your left.
Second, none other than good old SeraphX has sent in an awesome review of Shenmue for the Sega Dreamcast. It's a good read, so please go here . BTW, I really need some more game reviews for this site! So please, everyone send in game reviews for any system pronto! You can check out the submit format in the games section.
Third, it's Friday, and you all know what that means! Pic O' The Week has been updated! So everyone go laugh your asses off. Oh, yeah. I get the sneaky suspicion that ever since I moved Pic O' The Week to it's own page, people have, shall I say, avoided looking at it. Come on people, don't make me have to move it back to the main page like I used to do. LOL!
Ok, that's it! I'll hopefully see you all again soon!
It's been awhile, hasn't it? I start a whole new site up, and then don't even update it. Oh well, I'm back now. As you may have noticed, the site looks a bit different. I got rid of the horizontal and vertical graphic bars, and I also changed the layout to all of the other sections of the site (you no longer see the link graphics on every page). Why did I do this? Well, let's just say I saw what my site looked like on other computers, and it looked like shit. Basically, the only way the site would look good is if you were using Internet Explorer with the same screen size and settings that I was. On most computers the horizontal bar would only appear half way through the page, and on Netscape the site wouldn't work at all. BTW, speaking of Netscape, what the hell is wrong with that shitty as hell browser? It can't display anything, it loads up slow as hell, and everything displays small as hell! Get this, Netscape is so unforgiving that it wouldn't display this page because I forgot to close a table! A table! IE had no problem displaying it, Netscape couldn't! Also, if you use slashes that look like this \\ on Netscape, your links won't work. They have to look like this //. Who the hell cares what direction they're facing! But, the good news is that the site now works with Netscape, and it also displays pretty much the same on all computers. Despite the fact that I pretty much had to rebuild everything from the ground up, I decided to keep the site looking pretty much the same. I always liked the way it looked, and if for some reason you didn't like it, then you can personally suck my dick.
Anyway, besides the fact that the site was remodeled, there's only one more bit of news I need to get out. Pic O' The Week has been updated! So go there now. I also need people to submit video game reviews to me, so check out the submit page in the games section for info on that.
Oh, yeah. I heard this site needs Pikachu, so here ya go.
Welcome to Silveromen's Entertainment War Zone! Some of you may remember me. Long ago I had a web site that had some hilarious things on it. But I never updated it. So it sorta died out, and I disappeared from the web. But only a month ago, I made a come back, joining the Fallout Studios
Online team. I ran the game section, and I was also the moderator of two of their forums. But I believe it would have to be my "Pic O' The Week" that I was best known for. Every Friday, I would put a new atrocious photo on the front page accompanied by a funny description. Oh yeah, it was funny as hell. But then it had to end. After only a month at FSO, Ryo (FSO founder) decided to redesign the Fallout Studios page. Instead of being a site that had everything, Ryo wanted to change it to a sort of hub that linked to independent sites that had different things to offer. So, I no longer had a spot to rant, run a game section, or post Pic O' The Week. Yeah, I was pissed, but it wasn't all bad. If I made my own site, Ryo agreed to put a permanent plug for me on FSO. In essence, I would be part of the hub. So here I am, with my own site. And guess what? Pic O' The Week and the games section are here! All rejoice, Silveromen's humor will not die! So what else do I have for you guys? Well, I'm just starting out, so right now all I have is those two sections. But no fears, more will come! Here's a breakdown of the sections here at the War Zone:
Pic O' The Week is updated every Friday, and must been seen to be believed.
Writing is a page that will display my many humorous stories.
Games features tons of game reviews that you, the viewers, send to me.
Special is a section that will contain stuff that doesn't pertain to any of the other categories.
Forum is a place for all of us to get together and talk, brought to you by EZBoard.
Finally, FSO will lead you to Fallout Studios Online, where you can continue your trek through the FSO hub.
Well, that's it! I'm glad I'm finally finished coding this page, at least for the time being. Of course, I'm sure there's errors in the code, so be sure to tell me if something doesn't work for you. Also, this page hasn't been tested on Netscape, so if someone could test it on Netscape and report back to me it would be greatly appreciated. Other than that, explore the site, vote on the poll, talk on the forum, send me game reviews, and oh yeah, have fun! See ya l8r!
----------Silveromen out.----------